Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Numbers 0-10

Daily Question: Do you know your numbers to 10?

Toys: Big Blocks--race track, cars, Spaghetti Doll House, Skee Ball, and Baby dolls/doll stroller

It is so fun to see the children playing with each other creatively and wanting to continue playing! (Research shows that children learn best when ideas are presented creatively in the form of play.) We built a race track our of Duplo blocks and then I asked the children, "Which cars do you think will race down the track the fastest? Why?" We tested our hypotheses. I had each child hold a heavy and a light weight car."Which one will go faster?" The heavy metal cars were the fastest. We enjoyed counting together 0-10 as the various cars raced down the track. (Parents, remember to practice counting with your child. Count at the store, in line at the post office, in the car, etc. Make it a game. Children learn through repetition!)

Snacks: Celery sticks, baby carrots, clementines, and Chocolate Teddy Bear Grahams (which I brought out after some of the other nutritious snacks were eaten).

Students eat up the healthy snacks!

Today, Oliviaasks if we are going to start our snack with a prayer and she begins it. Her sweet prayer included "Heavenly Father, Thank YOU (God)!... Let us be kind and the us have a birthday party!...etc."

Birthday parties were really on Olivia's mind today. Before each photo we usually say, "One, Two, Three, Cheese!" Todays, she said, "One, two, three, Birthday Party!"

Reinforcement Activity: Students enjoyed picking the color for a Counting Caterpillar which used numerals and dots.

We really enjoyed reading and looking at the many various counting books together! (See list below, books that are highlighted are the books we read as a class on any given day). Parents, point out numbers you see around you. We are surrounded by numbers!

Counting Activities: Toy cars, Teddy Grahams, lining up number magnets, I Spy Numbers
game around the room.

We watched five minutes of LeapPad Math while I set up the Counting Caterpillar activity.

Numbers & Counting Books:

One Happy Classroom by Charnan Simon, Ill. by Rebecca McKillip Thornburgh
Count! by Denise Fleming
Ten Black Dots by Donald Crews
Arlene Alda's 1 2 3 What Do You See?
City by Numbers by Stephen T. Johnson
Ten Go Tango by Arthur Dorros, Ill. by Emily Arnold McCully
I Can Count to 100...Can You? by Katherine Howard, Ill. by Michael J. Smollin

Songs: The Numbers Song.

Olivia volunteered to read a board book, Count!, to Eva today. I was happy with this because mimicking (the child memorizes or makes up words to a story he/she is reading aloud) is a step to Reading!

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