Toys: Playhouse, Duplo blocks--race track, ABC magnets, ABC "touch and feel" cards.
Snacks: Asian Pear, carrots and Cheez-its.
We had a fun time with the Asian Pear or Pear Apple. We felt it, squeezed it, (it is hard to the touch), cut it, smelled it (sweet like a pear and juicy). The texture when ripe is crunchy like an apple but sweet like a pear.
Circle Time/White Board Discussion: While reviewing the alphabet, we talked about the copycat C and how C and K sound the same. We talked about how when c and k walk together c always comes before k so that k does not kick c! Our example was chick and chicken!
Songs: Johnny Appleseed and Popcorn Popping
Alphabet Review--We enjoyed listening to the Amazing Action Alphabet and reviewing letters and sounds A-P.
Meet our new class fish!
Have you seen our new fish?
How many can you count?
What should we name them?
Meet our new class fish!
Have you seen our new fish?
How many can you count?
What should we name them?
New Years Books:
Here Comes the Year by Eileen Spinelli
A Busy Year by Leo Lionni
Winter Books:
Winter Lullaby by Barbara Seuling and Greg Newbold
Winter: An Alphabet Acrostic by Steven Schnur and Leslie Evans
Snow Books:
A Perfect Day for It by Jan Fearnley
New this term, (Parents, please take note):
Snack Bucket: I have a snack bucket and a snack schedule posted in a side bar to the right. Thanks for your help with this! It is fun to have our snacks coordinate with our lesson themes.
Lesson Schedule on the Blog! I have posted the themes to our class schedule to the side of the blog in case your printed schedule gets misplaced (Hey, these things have a way of disappearing. I have children too! :)
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