Thursday, January 5, 2012

Apples to Popcorn (Review)

Daily question: Do you like apples or popcorn better?
Toys: Playhouse, Duplo blocks--race track, ABC magnets, ABC "touch and feel" cards.

Snacks: Asian Pear, carrots and Cheez-its.
We had a fun time with the Asian Pear or Pear Apple. We felt it, squeezed it, (it is hard to the touch), cut it, smelled it (sweet like a pear and juicy). The texture when ripe is crunchy like an apple but sweet like a pear.

Circle Time/White Board Discussion: While reviewing the alphabet, we talked about the copycat C and how C and K sound the same. We talked about how when c and k walk together c always comes before k so that k does not kick c! Our example was chick and chicken!

Songs: Johnny Appleseed and Popcorn Popping
Alphabet Review--We enjoyed listening to the Amazing Action Alphabet and reviewing letters and sounds A-P.

Meet our new class fish!
Have you seen our new fish?
How many can you count?
What should we name them?

New Years Books:
Here Comes the Year by Eileen Spinelli
A Busy Year by Leo Lionni

Winter Books:
Winter Lullaby by Barbara Seuling and Greg Newbold
Winter: An Alphabet Acrostic by Steven Schnur and Leslie Evans

Snow Books:
A Perfect Day for It by Jan Fearnley

New this term, (Parents, please take note):
Snack Bucket: I have a snack bucket and a snack schedule posted in a side bar to the right. Thanks for your help with this! It is fun to have our snacks coordinate with our lesson themes.

Lesson Schedule on the Blog! I have posted the themes to our class schedule to the side of the blog in case your printed schedule gets misplaced (Hey, these things have a way of disappearing. I have children too! :)

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