Toys: Spaghetti Doll Village and Town Rug and Cars
Snack: Strawberry Go-gurts, Chex Sweet and Salty Mix, and Pink apples slices. Delicious!
Cleaning Up and Vacuuming: The students were very happy to grab a Clorox wipe and wipe down the surfaces of the tables and chairs, bathroom counter, and floors. We then talked about vacuuming and how to go "back and forth" with the vacuum so it can suck in the tiny pieces of trash and dirt. It was cute to hear Olivia chant, "back and forth, back an forth" as she pushed the vacuum. I was impressed that the children were very polite about cleaning, "Miss Julie, may I push the vacuum now, please." I told them that they would be very good helpers at home!
Circle Time: Today we talked about the letter V. We heard a story and song about V the Vulture who lived in a valley and who was vacuuming (V v v ) and her sister complained because the vacuum was so loud she could not hear her violin.
Children pretend to push a vacuum with their hands and say "v v v."
V Activity Page: We had fun tracing and saying the sound to V aloud. We then colored the V pictures on the bottom of the page.
V words: volcano, vulture, violin, vegetables, vacuum,
Outdoor Fun.
Cleaning Books:
Humpty Dumpty (Nursery Rhyme)
The Little Red Hen by Lucinda McQueen (Audio CD)
Tops and Bottoms (Caldecott Honor Book, Audio) by Janet Stevens
Berenstain Bears and the Messy Room by Stan and Jan Berenstain
Franklin is Messy by Paulette Bourgeois and Brenda Clark
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